I watched a segment of a show that kept tabs on
previous contestants, and there were a good percentage that had gained a good
portion, and in some cases, all of their weight back. For all of the intense physical, mental and
emotional support, many contestants returned to their previous ways, and
perhaps only partially, but the goal weight was not kept off.
Real progress takes time. As much as I am constantly looking for the
quick fix to put things back together.
Rewiring our brains to practice new patterns takes time and the longer
our patterns have been entrenched, the longer it will take to set new patterns.
In the article,
“5 Ways To Rewire Your
Brain For Meaningful Life Changes” Dr. Hilary explains that there are
five neural pathways to connect any new learning, “One pathway alone is not enough to successfully rewire
your brain. However, when you repeatedly align your beliefs, feelings, vision,
and actions you will experience lasting changes in your brain” http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-11762/5-ways-to-rewire-your-brain-for-meaningful-life-changes.html
The five
pathways, can be summarized as follows:
You are your beliefs. Christiane Northrup, Candace Pert and many
others wrote about this 15-20 years ago. Belief is essentially a neural pathway
and you need to have it fired up in order to move towards your goal. If you want to know what your “living” belief
is, just look at your life. If you
believe in loving relationships but constantly find yourself in negative ones,
take a look at your beliefs. If you
think you believe in abundance and ease but constantly find yourself in debt,
take a look at your beliefs.
Emotion, as Dr. Hilary points out, “is the power behind
accomplishing your intention.” As woo
woo as this may sound, your ability to flood your body with the feeling and the
positive emotion of your desired belief or intention will lead you to a
positive outcome. Your ability to put
your body in a state of calm, joy, peace, or bliss, while imagining your
desired outcome, is key. This powerful
feeling state is what supports your brain in moving towards your outcome.
There are plenty of studies around the benefits of
visualization, especially around sport performance. And the results are even
better if you are in a calm, relaxed state.
Take Action. As the Nike saying goes, just do it. Your body needs to have the practice of being
in a state of success. Especially in the
beginning, it won’t be pretty and may very well be painful, but your body must
have the experience of moving you towards your belief or wants.
Repeat. You have to repeat the action over and over, and build
the neural pathways until it will practice this new habit over all of your
previous past practices.
Whether you are trying to
stop something, like smoking or overeating, or whether you are trying to start
something like learning a new language or training for a marathon, the message
is the same. It is also the same if you
are trying to change a post traumatic stress response, or anxiety/panic attack,
or finding a way to attract a loving partner.
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Small steps lead to transformation. Photo by J. Philipchuk |
But it is normally, not
fast. It usually takes time, practice,
some discomfort and more practice. You have to teach you body, mind and spirit
your new belief. You have to feel it, see it, know it, anticipate it and you
have to do it – Over and over and over again. So, that is why I say you have to
go slow to go fast. I know this to be true.
We can train our brains,
our beings, our electrical grid patterns to embrace our transformations and over time and practice the results are transformative. Small incremental consistent changes lead to transformation.