Friday, December 6, 2013

Why the Connection with Cloud 9 Float Spa

Floating: the practice of floating in a ten inch deep water containing 900 pounds of sea salt in an enclosed dark space.

There is plenty of evidence of the health benefits of floating. In Michael Hutchison’s book, “The Book of Floating” he documents some of the health benefits that have been studied and chronicled by numerous experts. Positive results have been documents include:
·      weight loss,
·      spontaneous reduction/elimination of toxic habits such as drug use and smoking,
·      anxiety reduction,
·      peak athletic performance recovery and restorative recovery. (2003, 7-8)

The connection with Energy medicine and floating come from the same pot of research.  There is a direct relationship between consciousness and brain chemistry – attitudes and thoughts can both change and determine your brain chemistry and your brain chemistry determines what happens in your body. (2007, 77)

In real terms, this means, when you are in a state of panic, or despair or fear, your brain chemistry is altered.  Your brain releases hormones and neurotransmitters that have a profound effect on behavior and your body.  The best example of this is a panic attack.  When you are in the midst of a full blown panic attack, you feel like you are going to die!  Your heart rate elevates, your breathing becomes shallow and constricted and in severe cases, you may even pass out (which is your body’s natural “reset” button because as soon as you faint, you immediately release all of the tension and your body can once again breathe unobstructed).  Over time, we teach our bodies to be in these states and we develop and reinforce neural pathways that make our ‘go to’ experience one of fear, panic or danger.

Just as we can train our brain to go to panic and despair, we can do the opposite. We can teach our brains and our bodies to move into positive states. We can create and reinforce neural pathways that make our go to experience one of calm, joy and peace.
Photo Courtesy of Jill Philipchuk
The combination of energy medicine and floating can both reinforce and support this process and I believe that combined, the process can be greatly enhanced. A session of energy medicine can bring up and clear cell memory and an immediate session in a float tank, especially with the 900 pounds of salt would help support the process.

So it is with this theory and intention, that I am now going to work with Float Spa to offer combination treatment and float sessions.  We will be offering introductory special packages and first time treatments to introduce everyone to the concept and package prices beginning at $100 for a 50 minute energy session and 75 minute float session combination offer.

If you are interested, you can contact me at CreativeEdge BodyWorks, or Travis at Cloud 9 Float SpaIf you have any questions about this offer or any other information from this blog post, feel free to contact me.

Photo Courtesy of Jill Philipchuk

Monday, November 25, 2013

Interview with Travis Mclaren at Cloud 9 Float Spa

Hey everyone, this is a quick blog to introduce Travis McLaren, the owner of Cloud 9 Float Spa.  You can see my rusty first attempt at vlogging below.
Cloud 9 Float Spa

In the next few weeks I will be writing about zero gravity floats, and I will talk about some exciting collaborations with Creative Edge and Cloud 9.

In the meantime, I wanted you to get a sense of Travis and the concept with the video.

Be well. emi

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

In a Nutshell

CreativeEdge Bodyworks is a dynamic process that removes obstacles that prevent YOU from living the life YOU want to live.

Through a series of 3-6 50 minute sessions, utilizing a number of techniques which include Conflict Coaching, NLP and Specialized Kinesiology, I help you identify and remove obstacles.  Together we work on an action plan that will move you towards Productivity, Peace and Wellness.

Creative Edge supports you in transforming pain into freedom and well being.

Photo Courtesy of Jill Philipchuk 

CreativeEdge Bodyworks Can Help if You are Experiencing Yourself As: 

  •         Always Angry
  •         Anxious
  •         Depressed
  •         Chronically Injured
  •         In a state of Crisis
  •       Stuck – the same thing you keep trying to avoid keeps happening to you
  •         Trying to change a bad habit
  •         In a significant transition in your life such as a divorce or death in the family
  •         Sick and tired of being sick and tired
Specialized Kinesiology, Touch for Health, Neurolinguistic Programming is not a substitute for any other medical care and makes no claims of treatment or cures.  They are not medical diagnostic tools. Always consult a medical Doctor for treatment and diagnosis.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Working Through What is Broken

Whenever I presented a workshop on Anger or Conflict, I would always begin by reminding the participants that I am teaching this stuff to myself. It was always important for me to acknowledge that I am working through the material and finding myself challenged to do the very practices I worked to show others. Conflict, anger and all of the experiences that mirror our dark sides forever remind us of what needs evolving and as such, merely reminds us we are alive.  It is a work in progress that repeats itself till the day we die. If we are not evolving, we are dying.

So, here I am, reminding you, that I am working on this myself.

What happens when we find ourselves once again, at the place where we told ourselves we would never be?  You would never again find yourself dependent on a man and there you are.  You promised yourself you would never get into debt and you once again find your credit card maxed out.  You promised yourself you would never get drunk and you find yourself passed out on your bed not even remembering how you got there.  You said you would never belittle your children like your parents did to you, and you recognize the face of pain, contempt and grief on your teenaged son’s face to be the one you yourself experienced at his age.

Courtesy of Jill Philipchuk

Whenever we are confronted with our repeated patterns or the place we get stuck, we find the seeds of our crisis.  It may take 10 or 20 or 200 or 10,000 times to repeat the pattern before we decide to enter into the crisis.  It may take one or 50 lifetimes before we gather enough wisdom, courage and brokenness to enter into crisis.  Regardless, the places we consistently find ourselves coming back to, despite all efforts, our broken records, eventually lead us to our necessary crisis.

Crisis happens when a story you hold very dearly needs to die. The most horrific part of this crisis is that entering into one not only brings fear, anxiousness, worry, pain and death.  The most horrific part of entering into crisis is that all of the fear, anxiousness, worry, pain and death, are precisely what bring you to your new life.  It is your crucifixion before the resurrection.  And you have nothing to go on that guarantees you will be brought back to a new life.  You only have another story.

In 2003, in my PhD thesis I wrote:

Crisis arrives because we are alive. Crisis is the Mother of all Undos. Crisis comes because death comes because life comes. We cannot have one without the other and the more we resist our deaths, the greater our surprise and terror at the arrival our crisis. No matter our relationship with death, no matter our religion, or what kind of lives we lead or how many times we go to church or volunteer at the AIDS hospice, we will meet our crisis. Crisis arrives, usually unannounced, unwelcomed, and completely unexpected. It is there in the announcement of your cancer, your AIDS, your chronic illness. It is there in the death of your youngest child in a car accident, the realization that your wife is having an affair with your friend, the termination of your job or in the celebration of your fortieth birthday. Maybe you have hit and/or hurt someone more powerless than you, or maybe you have received a beating yourself. Or maybe it announces itself in your unpaid electric bills, your low exam scores or maybe your high exam scores, in your profound aloneness, in the gang beating/murder of a girl or in the crumbling of the Twin Towers. Or maybe you just wake up one day and think that your life has been a complete waste of time.

Inside every journey of saint and sinner, expect to meet your “bottomless abyss” for inevitably it will arrive, and often, it will arrive when you are feeling some skill in balancing your body on the surfboard, gliding through in-between space. Maybe, you might have even learned the skill of falling/diving in the water gracefully/grace filled. 

In the seemingly big and the impossibly small, crisis will come. If you are alive, even while drowning in your mediocrity, barely breathing, you will eventually experience crisis. It is your birthright. And even if you follow “the formula” or “the recipe” whatever formula or recipe you reside in, crisis will meet you, remind you of your impermanence, your non-deity status.

Energy Medicine does not fix crisis.  It does not take the sting away from the decimation of a story that you have held and nurtured for lifetimes.  It can help make you conscious of what some of the old stories or patterns you held that need your attention, or, it can help clear energy fields of disruptive cell memories that lodge themselves in our physical bodies or energy fields. It can help provide you with a map or a “to do” list that will ease the transition.  It may even help you with the inevitable practice of walking towards your crisis with grace and confidence.  But at the end of the day, working through what is broken, requires you to get off your knees and stop picking the pieces in the hopes of repairing what is familiar and to trust that the dying will bring you a new life that you thought was unimaginable.

Courtesy of Jill Philipchuk

My big prayer, is that we work together on our collective and personal crisis and that we practice walking towards our crucifixions with a fierceness knowing that what lies in the midst of the broken pieces is our New Stories and New Lives that fit us far better than what we painfully cling to.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Living and Healing in a Holographic Universe

“Everything you'll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body.”

We live in a holographic universe. What does this mean?  What does the holographic principle mean to healing and to the way we view our world? In The Hidden Reality, Brian Greene explains a Holographic Multiverse as follows:

...the holographic principle envisions that all we experience may be fully and equivalently described as the comings and goings that take place at a thin and remote locus. It says that if we could understand the laws that govern physics on that distant surface, and the way phenomena there link to experience here, we would grasp all there is to know about reality.

Holographic Principle in energy medicine, can be summarized by the following 7 principles taken from Barbara Ann Brennan’s book, Light Emerging:
  1. Consciousness is the basic reality
  2. Everything is connected to everything else
  3. Each piece contains the whole.
  4. Time is holographic
  5. Each aspect is individual and not identical to any other aspect
  6. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
  7. Consciousness creates reality and its own experience of reality (38-40)
The idea, that the part is the whole is prevalent in energy medicine and Chinese medicine.  An energy block located in your gall bladder meridian also correspond to the idea of letting go or holding on; a block in your spleen meridian may also indicate blocks in your relationship with your mother, as spleen is the “mother” of all organs.  If your gastrocnemius, soleus and Achilles muscles which are connected to your triple warmer meridian consistently switch off, then thyroid, adrenals, and your hormone levels may need your attention. 

Take this metaphor even further, and your surroundings are also “alive” and reflecting back to you what needs your attention.

If you pay attention to your suffering you may likely be more aware of your disasters and lack. No matter how many times you switch jobs, you keep attracting a domineering and controlling boss, no matter how much money you make, you can’t seem to save any despite all of your efforts to do so. You keep falling on the same side of your body,
If you pay attention and attend to your joys you will be more aware of your successes and abundance. You are constantly giving away money but suddenly unexpectedly receiving more.  This is what seems to happen to a friend of mine who says “No matter what I do, money always finds me” and lives her life giving generously to others.  Or maybe you leave work late but always manage to make it on time as the traffic  will unexpectedly go your way.

You are a community of 50 billion cells.  There is not one new function in a human that is not present in every single cell.  Bruce Lipton Biology of Belief

The world is an ever present holograph.  It is not just the 50 million cells of our body that are repeating the patterns of our being. Everything is alive, reminding us of our own beliefs, and reflecting what we believe about our selves and the world we inhabit.

The holographic point of view takes the best out of the idea that we can take 100% responsibility for our being.  Once you believe that you are responsible for your own world you take the power in your own hands. You remove the power of your life out of the hands of whoever you are choosing to point the finger as the person/thing that is the cause of your unhappiness.

The invitation is to move away from a victim perspective that believes, “Things happen to me and I can’t control my unhappiness.” Rather than perpetuating the very things you are trying to avoid, becoming your own active agent allows to focus and create the life you want,  “I now choose to work at bringing in my own happiness.”

Beings empowered with their own capacities are what we are looking for.  When we go from I am not in control of what happens to me, to “I am the agent of my own story” we can begin to evolve into what we are aching for in the first place – contentment, service, kindness, peace, abundance, health and well being.

If there is something in this blog entry that you would like to discuss further, feel free to contact me via facebook, twitter or email.